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Struggling with security bottlenecks in SDLC? It’s never too late to implement DevSecOps

Written by Sumit Shinde | Jun 4, 2024

Large organizations often have continuous software releases which are to be deployed to production in timely manner. Traditionally, developers used to write code for these changes and operations team would help in deploying that code to production. With rising number of changes pushed to production the traditional approach of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) wasn’t time efficient.

Then came DevOps which helped integrate the responsibilities of development and operations team by collaborating with help of Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CICD). However, the challenge then was to assess security posture of these changes. Manual efforts have their limits when it comes to managing the scale of these changes, often leading to bottlenecks that disrupt smooth deployment. As the digital world becomes more complex and security breaches more expensive, the importance of incorporating security into the process from the start has become clear. This is where the DevSecOps approach comes into picture. DevSecOps embeds security practices at every stage of the software development life cycle, from initial design through development, and into production.

DevSecOps or SecDevOps or DevOps-Sec is nothing but integrating security tools within the DevOps pipeline thus bringing all the 3 aspects of SDLC together creating a collaborative environment for software releases. This methodology ensures that security considerations are not an afterthought but a foundational component of the development process. It is a transformative solution that ensures that security and efficiency are no longer mutually exclusive.

Understanding DevSecOps: a banking scenario

Picture a top bank about to launch a new mobile banking feature designed to make transactions easier and improve the user experience. The development team has done an excellent job, creating an interface full of features that could become a new benchmark for the industry. The operations team has made sure the application can handle possibly millions of transactions smoothly, without any delays or crashes. However, just before the launch, during the standard final security checks, they find several serious security flaws. These flaws are serious enough to risk leaking customer data, a problem that could cause big financial losses, legal issues, and damage to the bank's reputation. Faced with this issue so late, the bank now has a difficult choice: delay the launch to fix the problems, which would let down customers and other stakeholders, or go ahead with the launch and risk a significant security breach.

Implementing DevSecOps could have prevented this serious situation. With DevSecOps, security steps are included right from the start of the project. Automated tools are used to regularly check for security issues during the development process. Ongoing teamwork between the security, operations, and development teams would make sure that any new security problems are dealt with quickly, well before the project gets close to launching. This proactive strategy not only maintains project timelines but also strengthens the overall security framework of the application, thereby safeguarding the bank’s assets and reinforcing customer trust.

Key strategies in DevSecOps implementation

Successfully implementing DevSecOps requires a set of key strategies that together ensure a strong integration of security within the development pipeline. A crucial tool for organizations to assess and improve their DevSecOps practices is the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) DevSecOps Maturity Model. This model organizes DevSecOps capabilities into five distinct levels, starting from Level 0 (no integration) and extending to Level 4 (automated and integrated security). Each level describes the progressive integration of security measures, from reactive to proactive and, ultimately, to automated security responses. This model serves as a roadmap for organizations aiming to embed security deeper into their DevOps practices and provides a clear pathway from basic to advanced security integration. Understanding and utilizing this model allows organizations to methodically enhance their security posture and align their practices with industry benchmarks.

There have been silos even before DevSecOps term was coined. One of them was shift left strategy. The "shift-left" strategy is essentially promoting the integration of security measures early in the software development life cycle. This strategy is supported by the implementation of CICD practices, where security assessments are incorporated at each step, from coding through to deployment. In this framework, automation is vital, utilizing tools such as Static Application Security Testing (SAST) to scan source code for potential vulnerabilities during the development phase, and Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) to evaluate the application in an operational state, simulating real-world attack scenarios.

Moreover, integrating security as code practices ensures that security configurations are treated as part of the codebase, subject to version control and review processes just like application code. This method not only enhances transparency but also allows for the historical tracking of changes and quicker rollbacks if needed. Training developers in secure coding practices is also vital, as it empowers them to create secure code from the outset, significantly reducing vulnerabilities.

Personal insights and practical advice

Moving towards DevSecOps is a process that demands patience, dedication, and flexibility. Drawing from my own experiences as a DevSecOps practitioner, I've observed that organizations often see substantial benefits when they begin their transition with smaller, less critical applications. This approach allows teams to gradually acclimate to the new practices without overwhelming pressure. It also allows teams to familiarize themselves with new tools and practices without the pressure of high-stakes outcomes. As these teams grow more comfortable with the processes, DevSecOps can be gradually extended to more critical projects. It is also essential to foster a culture of open communication and continuous learning among development, operations, and security teams. Encouraging a collaborative environment where security is everyone's responsibility helps inculcate the principles of DevSecOps across the organization.

How Aujas Cybersecurity can help

Mastering the intricacies of DevSecOps integration can be challenging without the right expertise. At Aujas Cybersecurity, we provide the necessary guidance by helping organizations assess their current security standing and discover the best methods for adopting DevSecOps principles. Our offerings include everything from initial system evaluations and developing strategies to deploying sophisticated security tools and providing continuous support. Additionally, we tailor training programs to enhance the skills of your development and operations teams in the latest security practices, ensuring they can effectively integrate these practices into your existing workflows. Our aim goes beyond mere implementation; we strive to fundamentally enhance your organization's approach to security, integrating it smoothly into your daily operations.


In today's digital world, adding security into the software development process is not just helpful; it's necessary for keeping software safe and working well. DevSecOps is a way to include security that matches the fast pace of software building and operating needs. By adopting DevSecOps, organizations make sure they are up to date with current security needs and also prepare themselves for future success. With a clear plan and strategy, it's never too late to change your software development process into one that is more secure, efficient, and strong.