Information Risk Management Blog

Making Identity Solutions Simple for Hybrid Environments

Written by Mark Maguire | Jun 5, 2024

Managing digital identities that span across both cloud services and on-premises applications is complex and difficult to manage. This mix of online and offline resources requires a refined Identity and Access Management (IAM) strategy to keep things secure without hindering the user experience. The idea of an "identity fabric" comes into play here, offering an end-to-end approach to integrate various identity management systems into a single, secure, and efficient framework.

The challenge of hybrid identity

The shift toward hybrid IT environments has significantly transformed how organizations manage user identities and access privileges. This integration of cloud and on-prem applications present a unique set of challenges:

  • Complexity in management: Managing identities across diverse platforms introduces complexities, ensuring consistent policy enforcement and user experience. Each application, whether cloud-based or on-prem, comes with identity management protocols, creating a patchwork of systems that are difficult to oversee and integrate.
  • Risks of outdated systems: Many companies depend on legacy IAM frameworks, which are difficult to manage from a cloud IAM system. Legacy systems are often a form of technical debt, and companies would like to migrate away from them but cannot due to budget and bandwidth constraints.
  • Meeting company needs: Companies must deal with their complex needs, from ensuring role-based access control to compliance regulations. Additionally, it is essential to have a consistent user experience across various applications.

Managing identity fragmentation

One of the most pressing issues in hybrid cloud environments is identity fragmentation. The disparity in managing user policies across platforms can lead to security gaps and compliance issues. Organizations need a solution that provides in-depth visibility across all environments and extends modern cloud identity capabilities to on-prem applications. To achieve this, businesses must overcome several hurdles:

  • Enforcement consistency: Implementing uniform user policies across hybrid environments is challenging due to the varied nature of legacy and cloud systems.
  • Compliance and visibility: Ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or other frameworks becomes increasingly complex without a complete view of all identity and access activities.
  • Cloud identity extension: Many on-premises applications lack the sophisticated identity management features of cloud services, necessitating a bridge that extends these capabilities to legacy systems.

Understanding identity fabric

The "identity fabric" concept offers a promising solution to the complex challenge of managing digital identities across diverse environments. It is a comprehensive IAM strategy envelops the entire organization's digital presence by merging traditional systems with contemporary cloud-based IAM tools. Constructing an identity fabric requires an organization to create a framework that encapsulates the full range of an organization's digital assets. This endeavor seeks to close the gap between legacy systems and modern, cloud-driven technologies crucial for today's corporate activities. Initiating this process requires linking old and new systems in a way that standardizes user identities and access rights across the board. Key to this approach is the creation of a centralized identity management system or repository, acting as the definitive source for all identity and access management information. A strong identity fabric is also a prerequisite for many security best practices, such as Separation of Duty policies, access certifications, and a Zero-Trust architecture.

Once an IAM solution is connected to and can manage all applications, the focus shifts to enhancing security and improving the user experience across the digital domain. This is achieved by applying contemporary authentication techniques like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Single Sign-On (SSO) across the board and ensuring secure and straightforward access to necessary resources. Automatic assignment and removal of access based on an identity's role and lifecycle state help to reduce access requests and vulnerabilities. Incorporating behavioral and risk-based authentication further strengthens security by adapting access rights in real-time based on user actions and risk levels (often referred to as "Just in Time" access). The culmination of these efforts—integrating disparate systems, centralizing IAM data, and deploying advanced security measures—creates an identity fabric. This framework significantly enhances the organization's ability to protect against security threats and promotes a seamless and efficient experience for users, symbolizing a strategic advancement towards a cohesive and secure digital ecosystem.

Building blocks of identity fabric

The architecture of identity fabric is composed of 3 key elements -

  • Centralized identity source: The essence of identity fabric relies on a unified identity repository, serving as the definitive reference point for user identities. This approach eliminates isolated data pools and guarantees the consistency of identity information across the board.
  • Advanced login techniques: It is vital to apply contemporary authentication strategies across the board, including multi-factor authentication (MFA) and single sign-on (SSO). This update is essential for new applications and for integrating older systems, marking a significant step in updating access management.
  • Adaptive security protocols: With behavioral risk-based authentication, security measures evolve in real time, adjusting to ongoing risk evaluations. This enables more nuanced access controls that reflect the specific behavior and situation of each user.

The crucial function of orchestration

Orchestration acts as the binding force within the identity fabric, ensuring that various IAM systems operate in harmony. By automating identity management tasks and enforcing uniform security policies throughout, orchestration streamlines the operation of both new and existing systems. This balance promotes a secure, streamlined environment, bridging the gap between legacy and modern business applications.

How Aujas Cybersecurity can help

Aujas Cybersecurity can be essential in implementing a seamless and secure identity fabric. With deep expertise in IAM, we ensure the smooth incorporation of cloud services with on-premises applications, promoting a unified user experience alongside enhanced security measures. Our expertise includes upgrading outdated systems, implementing cutting-edge authentication technologies such as MFA and SSO, and harmonizing varied IAM systems into a singular operational framework. This strategy makes managing identities across different platforms easier and strengthens protection against new cybersecurity risks.

We skillfully tackle compliance hurdles, guaranteeing that organizations adhere to strict regulatory requirements without compromising efficiency. Offering ongoing support and specialized advice, we enable you to refine your IAM approaches, achieving a secure, regulatory-compliant, and user-centric digital ecosystem.

To sum it up

Implementing an identity fabric presents a forward-thinking solution to the complex challenges of hybrid identity management. By weaving diverse IAM systems into a unified framework, identity fabric simplifies the management of digital identities and enhances security and user experience. As businesses navigate the intricacies of hybrid environments, adopting an identity fabric approach offers a clear path to a secure, compliant, and user-friendly IAM strategy. This strategic integration marks a significant step towards establishing a resilient digital infrastructure capable of withstanding the evolving landscape of cyber threats, setting the foundation for a secure digital legacy.